
Always look on the bright side of life...Beyond Retro

I've got a surprise for you. At least I hope it will be a surprise for you.

Vintage. For everyone it means something different it, some will turn their noses up while others treasure it. When I got the email that Beyond Retro was launching their online store, I'm not lying I was sceptical, but they have proven me wrong by doing just that. Ladies and Gents "Beyond Retro" is live (has been for a few days now). The site is amazing, the irony isn't also lost that I usually build up my jaunts to their stores and leave with a compulsory buy - just because I can't bear to leave without not making a purchase, now I seem to be needing most, if not, everything I view on the site. So, if your also up to making some donations I wouldn't say no.

The first thing I did when I visited was to look for coats- why you ask?! For the past week I have seen at least 2  people wearing pink coats in a variety of shades and tones, candy floss, strawberry, flamingo pink, raspberry (or is that red? in my defence I would say that it [coat] looked pink). And all of them took me back to the 50s and 60s they were either princess cut or that Jackie O/ Grace Kelly, A-line one of them had an adorable fur collar. I'll admit that I don't think I'll invest in such a colour for myself but I love to see colour in [on] others, in the world. Do you?

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